Sunday, March 23, 2008
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Movie That Touched My Heart
A. Why did I choose that movie?
B. What part of the movie struck you most and why?
C. With which character in the movie can you relate most? Why?
D. What are the morals you have learned in that movie?
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 3:49 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Extravagance of Family Day
The joys this day brings about is always accompanied by the embarrassing and somewhat unexpected accidents. But it rarely happens. I am here to discuss what happened to me during my second Family Day. I had to say it was full of surprises. Then again, life is full of surprises. That's why we never get tired of it.
I had a bad start. You see, I was sick during that day (even until now *cough! *cough!) so I wasn't able to join the motorcade. The heat might have been too much, so I just headed to Ateneo straight away. Bo-oring...
My Dad lent me his camera so I took a lot of great pictures of my classmates and the scenery. I mingled a lot and got to know a couple of their parents. Al tough I didn't talk to the parents directly. I only asked my classmates about them.
When night came all my friends played a game of hide-and-seek behind the school near the soccer field. When I joined I was it. After I counted, I searched for them. I looked for them for thirty minutes but I couldn't find them at all. Only two were still there, but the rest left me all alone. It gave me a serious emo attack.
The two left to look for the others while I stayed behind. I curled up behind one of the trucks and just let the emo feeling wash over me. Then I thought to myself. "Come one, Xave! You only get one Family Day per year! Are you just going to waste it!" Those words brought me back to life so I headed back to the our catering table. Altough I swore I heard people calling me.
When I reached the table, only few where there. I weas about to look for my friends and whip their butts to what they dids to me when I saw her. I'm not going to tell you who "her" is... lets just call her HC(named after blog).
As I stared at HC, stared at her immense beauty, fancying her attire (especially the pink cap), I was torn between two choices. Choice one "Go talk to her and be happy for the rest of the weekend..." or "Dont talk to her and be miserable for the rest of the year..."
I brought the courage up to finally talk to her. We had a normal conversation, nothing out of the ordinary happened. We talked at a table (not on, AT). I was saying a lot of weird personal things to her but it was just my way of trying to put a little embarassment in the conversation. The music backgroung was perfect for the scene. You know the one that goes "Tuh-tah-tah-tuh-tah...tuh-tah-tah-tuh-tah...tuh-tah-tuh-toh-tah-tah-tah-tah-tah" (the romantic tune the band played).
In the end, we just shook hands for two seconds (HC demanded only two).
After that, I got a snapshot of her back, she turned away in the last second. Awwww......
I found my friends looking for me in the back. They thought I was dead or something. I was too happy to be even mad at them so I just laughed.
All of us took a good look at the fireworks, and after that I left for home.
And that's my story.
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 3:49 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Frame that Displayed My Insanity
I did what I could to make my picture frame look good. I put a lot of effort into it. And despite the pain of the fresh plastic glue burning my fingers, the countless minutes of intense concentration, and the annoying outbreak when I found out that I did a couple of mistakes... It was all worth it in the end. I'm proud of what I made. (*Wait! What did I make??? Sort of looks like a chameleon-television... never mind)
So a good tip in constructing what you want, is to never give-up.
B. Compare your picture frame from other frames that are displayed in the department store.
When I was doing just that, I thought to myself "Oh my God! Against these professionally crafted frames, mine looks like it came from the dump!" Of course the initial shock and pain would eventually disappear. The frames in the department store were beautiful. They were glamorous, well portrayed, and creative.
Although the frames in the store were great, mine is creative as well. It's just like a door. And just because I labeled the door "Doorway to Paradise" that actually leads into the mouth of a reptile, doesn't make it literal.
So even if my frame does not have any fancy marble, or perectly carved wood linings, or even breathless silver or gold add-ons. My frame is no different from the other frames we have in this big ball we call Earth. But my frame is special. Because I made it. It's mine. And no other frame can take its title.
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 4:17 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
"Funny Quotes From the Web"

- Louis Hector Berlioz
"The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on."
- Robert Bloch
"Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway."
"I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar."
"The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think."
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
"Personal Quotes"
by: ChiwawaXXX
"All of us read stuff related to Kama Sutra, we just don't realize it."
"It's okay to have SEX anytime, It's wrong to have it ALL the time."
- The more we get used to it, the harder it is to break away
- Talking to the same person everyday eventually gets boring
- It could seriously affect your studies
- The more chances of impregnating her (for girls)
- Risks of STD when not taken with caution
- Parents will become constant naggers
- We will have less time to experience new things
- Hanging out with just one person isn't always fun
- The harder it is to get innovations
- We eventually run out of ideas on things to do
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Intentional Handicraft

I used used three colored threads in making this bracelet. It just took me at least two hours just to twine the strings properly until I received a satisfying result. It's really quite easy. In fact, you should try it too. It can be fun when you got nothing to do but stare at the ceiling.
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 10:24 PM 3 comments
Intentional Creations

by: ChiwawaXXX
Special thanks to My Fren's Internet Cafe
Above, you can see two horribly taken pictures, of one of my Computer projects. For those who are unable to interpret the weirdly angled photos, it is a paperweight. A shot taken sideways shows that the plastic container is filled with white beach rocks I picked up during my last picnic at the seashore. Have in mind that the pictures above do not display the actual size of my project.
Next we have shot taken from a bird's-eye-view. I took the liberty of using a blue wedding ribbon and a white teddybear obviously rowing in a paper boat. The bear is using a piece of straw for an oar.
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 9:32 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
An Embarassing Moment
by: ChiwawaXXX
I never expected it to happen. It just did. When it happened I couldn't help myself but wonder if God really is by my side. It happened after the first day of the 3rd quarter exams. It was a quarter past the hour of three when I decided to come downstairs to have a snack.
Along my side was my best friend, Tim, who accompanied me on the ramp. As we reached the landing and entered the gate leading to the west side of the cafeteria, that's when I saw her. Looking past several empty tables, I stared at her from afar.
Her beauty was still stunned me till this day, rendering me helpless. Her eyes sparkled like the twinkling stars in the sky, lighting up the darkness that surrounded me. Thinking back when she and I were acquainted as classmates, I recalled the touch of her soft, warm hands. I remembered her strong, funny and interesting personality. Ger smile melted my heart. Her wit always intriguing.
If I were to continue there wouldn't be enough space in my blog to express myself.
Tim shook me awake from my trance and we took a seat at the far corner of the cafeteria. As we munched down on our food, I kept telling him that I was gonna go to her table and talk to her. I've actually been nagging him about it for an hour and I didn't do anything yet!
When the time actually came, I walked up to her just to talk about a couple of things. Then suddenly, all of them started making excuses to leave the table until the two of us were left!
The two of us were really embarassed. She was saying that she'd kill her friends. She was still smiling though. That's what I like about her. She says she can be violent, and when she does try to be valentine she puts up this cute act that make her look more attractable.
I told her I wanted to talk to her because I was emotionally depressed and she provided me with happiness. I also told her that I needed the talk for "inspiration". Well I guess things turned out better than I thought. That's my story.
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 9:14 PM 0 comments
About Valentines Day...
Valentines is something that comes around once a year. It is a special day especially for two close people. It is a day when people can express their feelings without fear. It starts in the peak of midnight when the clock strikes one past twelve over the day of the 14th of Februery.
It is usually acquainted with the giving of gifts that deeply symbolize our emotions. Such as hearts, flowers, tokens, and chocolates. All of these are ideal for the occasion. But this isn't just a day for the couples and the taken, yes, it can also be the day for the singles to find that special someone. Of course anyone can find someone anytime, but doing it during valentines day gives it more intimacy and pazazz.
My post is short due for my lack of information for the ocassion. So, for all those singles out there, now is your chance. For all those couples, enjoy the ocassion and (*ahem*) don't go too far with your relationships. I guess it's also my turn to split and get a girl myself. Ooops! Did I say that out loud!
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 4:40 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Poem About Me
by: ChiwawaXXX
My name is not of any importance,
It is our attitude that distinguish our existence,
What you are about to read are all true without pity,
Might not you try and bend the truth of my story...
As hard as a stone slab,
But inside I am weak,
And my eyes could easily leak.
I am usually friendly,
But often times unhappy,
However that never stop me,
From what I want to be.
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 8:50 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Poem for Tim Berners-Lee and HTML
When I reached second year highschool,
And learned about Tim Berners-Lee,
I felt like a complete fool,
For learning his works was a challange for me.
HTML was a hard subject,
But I faced it with no regret,
And although it jumbled my head,
I felt very little dread.
After 3 quarters I feel strong,
But the pain I suffered was too long,
Then I realized Tim Berners-Lee was right,
I wonder why I was in such a fright.
Posted by Chiwawa The Dreamer at 9:03 PM 10 comments